Top 6 Teaching English in Europe Blogs
| Teaching House Nomads Blog
Barry O'Leary
If you really want to be in with the world of ESL teachers, then the best place to get tips, advice and information on living in the country of your choice is by following the top teaching English blogs. It’s the best way to read about any issues you may have with teaching abroad. You can also get in contact with real teachers doing what you want to do. What could be a better way of getting informed on your future place to live and work?
Fortunately, I have a few contacts in the ESL world, and I’ve also been researching the most useful and interesting blogs to follow in Europe. Here they are in no specific order.
Spain for Pleasure

Check out Josh’s blog about life as an English teacher in Spain. Josh has been teaching in Granada for a while now, and as you can see from his blog he really knows what he’s talking about.
What you can find
Apart from Josh’s useful tips on teaching English in Spain, he also has articles on Granada, what it’s like to live in Spain, and learning Spanish.
Why you should check out Spain for Pleasure
Josh has a witty way of writing which makes for enjoyable and informative reading. He says that the aim of Spain for Pleasure is “to promote Spain as a place for young people to come and live. You can find info about travel in Spain, the Spanish lifestyle, tips on learning Spanish, tips on teaching English and the odd rant.”
Top post
His best post, in my opinion, is titled Everything You Need to Know about Teaching English in Granada. This is a very detailed article on how to get a job in Granada, wages you can expect, why you should choose Granada, and information on CELTA courses.
If you want to teach English in Spain, then definitely have a look!
La Vie en C.Rose
If you fancy teaching English in France, then check out Catherine Rose’s blog called La Vie En C.Rose. Catherine has taught in Paris and Lyon, and although she’s back in San Francisco now, she still updates her blog regularly on life as a teacher in France.

What you can find
Apart from detailed posts on life as an English teacher in France, Catherine also writes about travel and life as an expat.
Why you should check out La Vie en C.Rose
Catherine is full of ideas and useful tips on becoming a teacher in France. She writes in a humorous style and I love the photos she uses on her posts. She states that she has “Taught English in private language schools, in a high school as a TAPIF language assistant, and at the university level as a lectrice. She also ate a lot of croissants.” That’s quite the experience!
Top post
I think her best post has to be Things I Wish I Had Known about Teaching English in France. This is a witty and informative post for anyone hoping to teach English in France.
You are just a few clicks away from finding out what Catherine has to say, so what are you waiting for?
Je Parle Americain
Je Parle Americain is a useful blog written by Michael, a teacher/trainer/coach in the Paris region. He’s been writing on there since 2011, so there’s loads of information for anyone with a taste for France.
What you can find
Michael has a detailed archive of posts for anyone interested in teaching English in Paris, France. He also talks about France, history, language, cinema, and even food.
Why you should check out Je Parle Americain
Apart from obtaining plenty of tips and advice on teaching English, you’ll also get an idea of what it’s like to live in Paris. He also uses his blog as a direct way of obtaining students, which might be useful for any entrepreneurs out there hoping get ideas on how they could do the same.
The main aim of his blog “is to help you ‘_______ English like an American.’ … You fill in the blank!”
Top post
My favourite post on the site is this one titled So Much More Than a Paperweight, which is a funny, but knowledgeable, look on his life as an English teacher.
Have a look at Michael’s blog and get in touch with him if you have any questions about life in Paris.
Teach English in Germany

If Germany appeals to you as a place to live and teach English, then check out Chris’s blog. Chris is a TEFL/ESL trainer living in Germany and certainly has a lot of useful posts.
What you can find
Not only does Chris talk about life in Germany and teaching English tips, but he also provides detailed lesson plans and a vast array of detailed how to posts.
Why you should check out Teaching English in Germany
Chris has a lovely way of explaining what he wants to say and often uses humour. His experience really shines through and as you read his posts you feel like you’re sitting having a beer with him. He also has an email list you can subscribe to for updates.
Top post
My favourite post is a funny one titled Teaching English in Germany Fails: Funny Experiences where he talks about mishaps. One in particular, which is pretty funny, is about a condom.
Check out his blog now if you want to teach in Germany.
TEFL Prague and Abroad

I’ve always wanted to go to Prague, but mainly because of the beer, not to teach English — although it doesn’t seem like a bad place to be, especially according to Chris Westergaard.
What you can find
Plenty! You can find information on teaching methods, TEFL certification, loads of lesson plans, and tips on “how to be as successful as possible in a new career, new country and new life.”
Why you should check out TEFL Prague and Abroad
Chris has a wide variety of blog posts on starting up in Prague, so if you need information about what it’s like to kick start your career there, it is worth a read. He’s also the director of a language academy, so you never know your luck as you might land a job. The lesson plans he shares are useful for every English teacher!
Top post
I think the most useful and detailed blog is titled TEFL in Prague: The Pros and Cons which gives a massive list of positive and negative aspects to consider if you want to live and teach English in Prague.
Fortunately, I’ve been given permission to include my own blog! I started this back in 2011 mainly to help new TEFL teachers get insight into the world of ESL.
What you can find
There are detailed guides on each of the countries I’ve taught in (Ecuador, Brazil, Thailand, Australia, and now Spain), plus plenty of tips for new ESL teachers.
Why you should check out Baztefl
I’d like to think I’ve got a lot of experience in the ESL world now and I enjoy helping others. I’m a massive fan of pronunciation and you can find plenty of ideas, and ESL songs, on phonetics. There are links to other valuable ESL resources too. I’ve also published a book called How to Become an ESL Teacher. Future posts will include links to ESL printables, lesson plans, and worksheets, plus more how-to guides.
My other blog, A Novel Spain, is more about what it’s like living as an expat in Spain. I’ve also published a novel called Falling for Flamenco.
Top post
My most popular post is titled Best ESL Lesson Plan Websites, which is a map of links to the lesson plan websites I’ve found most useful. I also have an email list, just click through to the blog and sign up.
Those are the top teaching English in Europe blogs to get you excited about a new life abroad! Which one takes your fancy? Do you know any others? With so many places to teach English around Europe, we’d love to hear more stories! Feel free to drop a link in the comments below.